Statement from Natick Is United

A Statement from Natick is United in Solidarity with George Floyd’s Family, Friends and Community

In the spirit of our mission that everyone is welcomed here, we stand in solidarity with Natick Families of Color, and against the senseless acts that took Ahmaud Arbery, Breena Taylor and George Floyd’s lives. We collectively mourn the loss of these lives taken by racism. This is not the first time that, as an anti-racist coalition, we stand outraged against these brutal and racist acts of violence. It is the murder of George Floyd that compels us to decry more strongly than ever the racism of this event and repudiate this act of violence. 

We encourage our members and supporters to assure our Black neighbors, they are safe in our community and extend acts of kindness whenever possible. We empathize and honor the pain experienced by the families, friends and communities of someone who is brutally killed as a result of racism. We stand with all people who live in fear that this could happen to their child or family member.  In these times when we feel like the world is overwhelmed with challenges, we need to unite as a single voice. We must focus on our common humanity and ensure that in our town, there is no room for hate of any kind. 

There are a number of organizations that have been educating and inspiring action to address racism:

HERE is the link to the Equal Justice Initiative and here is an article about Ahmaud Arbery.

HERE is a recorded webinar by Embrace Race on “What the COVID-19 Epidemic Reveals About Structural Racism.”

HERE is the Color of Change website, which is focused on campaigns to address racism.     

At Natick is United we will also be looking for opportunities to build awareness within our own community, particularly during this time of physical distancing and the COVID-19 pandemic. HERE is the link to our website with upcoming events.     

In solidarity,

Natick is United Coordinating Team

Lee ManuelMay 30/2020