Statement from NIU about Upcoming Panel Discussions

Dear Natick is United Members and Supporters,

The past two weeks have been transformative for our country as we are doing some deep soul searching. With people across the world we have risen up against racism. True to our vision that everybody belongs in our town, Natick is United supports the call for protecting, uplifting and supporting Black lives. We’re seeing a massive shift in thought and perspective that has the potential to create lasting change.

Natick Is United has heard the community. We must do something to make the changes needed to ensure Black lives matter each and every day. Now, it is upon every single person, elected official, institution, and organization in our town, to deeply reflect on their work and what we can all do to bridge structural inequities. It is important to show our commitment in ways that includes everyone. It is not enough to say that we stand in support of this movement. We have to act.

Natick is United is sponsoring a series of panel discussions to advance racial justice dialogue in our town. We plan for each panel to represent a different sector of our town governance and structures, until all sectors would have been represented. The first panel of the series will be on law enforcement, and it is this coming Tuesday,June 16th from 7 to 8:30 PM. Please join us to discover how Natick is responding to police brutality taking place in our country and contribute your ideas. You can find the information in our Events section.

We are listening, so please let us know what other offerings you would like to see from Natick is United. Visit our website and our Facebook page to find resources that we will be posting regularly.

The way we respond now to our current crisis, shapes the future we build together!

In Solidarity,
Natick is United Coordinating Team

Lee ManuelJune 14/2020